What is the
Virtual Hub?

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Harnessing the power of digital technology
to strengthen conservation action

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I'm going there
Facilitating the debate on
Biodiversity Conservation
What is the purpose of this platform?
Who are the main actors?
What can we expect from this tool?

Together we promote an inclusive approach
to biodiversity conservation

Featured news on
Biodiversity Conservation
3rd Regional Coordination Meeting: Stakeholders seek synergy of action to safeguard protected areas in West Africa
The 3rd meeting of the West African Regional Coordination of Protected Areas, held from July 18 to 20, 2023 in...
Management of mangrove forests: the professionals of the sub-region at the Bissau-Guinean school
In collaboration with the co-applicants (WIA and the Collective 5 Deltas), the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) organized,...
Halting the decline of biodiversity by 2030: the BIODEV2030 project officially launched in Benin
The national workshop for the launch of the project “Facilitation of commitments for biodiversity – BIODEV2030” and the restitution of...
Fight against environmental crime: actors at the bedside of the PoMoCo complex
The cross-border networking workshop of actors involved in the fight against environmental crime around the PoMoCo complex (PONASI in Burkina...
West Africa: data collection campaigns organized for better management of protected areas
Within the framework of the implementation of the Regional Governance of Protected Areas in West Africa project, it is planned...
IUCN made “Knight of Rural Development, Environment Clasp”.
On the occasion of the 3rd National Tree Day, celebrated on August 7, 2021 in Ziniaré, Burkina Faso under the...
The IUCN has awarded 2 special prizes to the 2nd edition of the “Great Green Wall” prize
In collaboration with the National Coordination of the Great Green Wall Initiative, IUCN has awarded two journalistic productions that deal...
Burkina Faso: The PREE project held its 2nd session of the Steering Committee
The 2nd session of the Steering Committee of the project “Regional Partnership on Water and Environment in Central and West...
Burkina Faso: Experts trained on the Red List of Ecosystems for the assessment of freshwater ecosystems
The training workshop on the Red List of Ecosystems (RLE) – Towards the assessment of freshwater ecosystems was held from...
Benin: WACA monitoring and evaluation specialists trained in the use of geographic information systems
The training of specialists in monitoring and evaluation of the West African Coastal Management Program (WACA) on the use of...
Biodiversity: The implementation plan of the BIODEV2030 project submitted to the appreciation of the CSOs of Benin
As part of the implementation of the BIODEV2030 biodiversity facilitation project, the NGO Eco-Benin in collaboration with the General Directorate...
Popularization of texts, policies and laws on water, environment and climate in West Africa and Benin
The national workshop for women and men of the media on the popularization of policies and texts adopted on water,...
WACA Project Environmental and Social Safeguards Experts Trained on Environmental and Social Assessments
From May 31 to June 4, 2021, IUCN, through the Regional Support Office of the West African Coastal Management Program...
World Biodiversity Day: the BIODEV2030 project to integrate biodiversity into development
Dakar, Senegal, 22 May 2021 (IUCN-PACO) – The theme for this year’s Biodiversity Day is “We are part of the...
The Virtual Hub in a few
key figures
Since its launch, the Virtual Hub has been growing with more users, more interactions and more topics discussed.
From the debates on the forum, to the
trainings, to the exchange space, the
actors have totally appropriated
the tool.
A community spread over 16 countries
Exchange with actors
in West Africa
Dozens of online trainings
Attend trainings
without moving
Several topics initiated & discussed on the Hub
Ask questions and/or
provide answers
Numerous downloadable documents
A one-of-a-kind
documents database
They talk about it...
Discover the reactions of some
users of the Virtual Hub
We have waited a long time for the birth of such a tool which, in addition to being in line with the times, allows us to continue the debate without regard to time and distance, to share the results and to capitalize on what we have learned.
Arsene Sanon

The Virtual Hub is a revolutionary platform in the field of biodiversity conservation. In addition to promoting exchanges, it allows to make contacts and discuss in real time with the actors of the field. I have not regretted having registered.
Bara Top

An all-in-one tool for the emulation of ideas and the scaling up of successful experiences. Moreover, the training space animated by experts is a godsend in that it allows an effective popularization of knowledge and a reinforcement of the capacities of the actors.
Dirk Fransaer

Pleasantly surprised by the effectiveness of the Virtual Hub in its mission to instill a regional dynamic for the proper management of protected areas and climate risks, sharing and capitalization of experiences and knowledge at all levels.
Assize Toure

In the era of COVID-19 and the accelerated digitalization of processes, this platform comes at the right time. Thanks to the Virtual Hub, I am able to follow in real time the evolution of biodiversity conservation and all this at my fingertips.
Pelagie Sambou

Climate change is now a transboundary phenomenon. An inclusive approach is, therefore, the only sustainable option available to us. The Virtual Hub allows us to coordinate our efforts in the conservation of Biodiversity.
Jesus Ekie
EKIE Group